Saturday, March 15, 2014

Called To Serve

No big white envelopes were waiting for us upon our return from Florida, but the mailman got quite a warm reception when he arrived, envelope in hand, this afternoon. Sam and Savannah weren't home and I think the 3 hours we had to wait between the time the call arrived and the opening were more stressful for me than the 3+ weeks we've been waiting since Sam submitted his papers!

So the wait is over! Watch the video below to hear Sam read his call. And, by the way, nobody guessed where he would go.

Sam is super excited! He hates to be cold (understatement) so it looks he's set for the next couple of years. :) July 16th is a full four months away, but I fear it'll be here before we know it.

We're so happy for you, Sam!

{This post first appeared here.}