Monday, November 24, 2014

Thoughts on Conversion, etc.

I recently taught a Priest's quorum on how to become more converted. Conversion is not a one-time thing, it is a lifelong process. Read "Converted Unto The Lord" by Elder Bednar, the section titled "Becoming Converted." Conversion comes as we "endure to the end." What is enduring to the end? A repeating process of having faith, which faith leads to action by repentance (or changing to align ourselves more with God's will), and then we partake of the sacrament to become clean from our mistakes and sins that we have repented of, and then by so doing worthily we receive a greater influence and witness of the Holy Ghost in our lives, then do the process again. In this way, by enduring to the end, we become more converted unto the Lord and His Gospel.

Ok. My bad. Transfer planning was this past week, but I didn't realize that it was a week early because of Thanksgiving. So I'll find out whether I go or stay. But thank you for your encouragement. :)

How did your baptism go? Did he get confirmed on Sunday?
The baptism went sooo well!!! He has a super strong testimony and is willing to do what he can to serve the Church and God. I had the privilege of confirming him a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and conferring upon him the Gift of the Holy Ghost. That was a very happy, peaceful experience. I smiled right after I said the words, "Receive the Holy Ghost." It just felt good. :)

What was your best experience this week? Your worst?
I had many great experiences this week. One was bad turned good. Things kinda came to a head between my companion and I, but through lots of talking, reading the scriptures and praying we are much better now. I love my mission. It teaches me so much about life. Also, the baptism and confirmation was awesome, we made cookies and got into so many doors with them, so many lessons, and we're leading the zone in lessons! The worst experience was meeting a man who served a mission and has not been to church in several years. He said he fully understands the church, and has found that he's happier not going to church than going. He still believes in it all, but he doesn't understand like he says he does. He didn't like us coming by, and doesn't really want us coming back again. I think of the quote "If Satan cannot get you to do what's wrong, he will get you to do nothing at all." Then doing wrong things come. But it's a good experience to learn from.

What have you learned?
I learned that if you let it, a mission can change you and how you live and treat others in the future. I learned that if you are not careful in your thinking and actions, Satan can lead you astray without you realizing it. Don't fall into that trap. I also learned that I can be positive if I try. Some days I just didn't feel like trying. I also learned that cookies bring miracles. :)

How was the 5K? (Did you die?) :) (Mom's note: Their mission ran a "Fit for the Kingdom 5K" today.)
The 5K was great! It didn't feel like a 5K. It felt more like 2 miles. I got 24:05 for my time - not shabby for overall. My goal was 21:40 or less, but that's ok. I got maybe 20th? That doesn't matter, but it was fun. My comp and I ran with BoMs in our hands - his was Russian, mine was English. We held them high as we sprinted to the finish. I was also able to help Elder Neville reach his goal. Man, that guy is a stud. 

As far as other things go, we did service for a handicapped man putting up his Christmas lights. On his roof. And you know how scared I am of heights. And even crazier... his roof was steep at one point, so to get the lights down the other side, Elder Osthed had to hold my ankles on one side of the roof while I was on my belly on the other. If he had let go, I would've gone right over the edge. Trust exercises are the best! :D Oh, the stupid things missionaries do...

Proof that he and his companion are getting along. :)

I've been asked to play violin a ton out here. I played for the baptism, I'm playing for a funeral. Lots of opportunities to play. I just wish I had a better violin. But I would not be allowed to use any other than a members'. Oh, I'm also singing for a Christmas devotional in December, and playing on Christmas night at the Mesa Temple Visitor's Center, and singing Christmas songs with the entire mission!!!! That's going to be beautiful!!!

Love you all!

Elder Stowell

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Four Months!

Yes, Sam hit his four month mark on Sunday, November 16. Admittedly, we've run into a few bumps in posting his weekly letters. Sometimes his letters are super short, a couple of them have been full of answers to our non-mission related questions, and one or two have been about difficulties that the whole world doesn't need access to. But I'm repenting and posting a few of his letters from the past several weeks. I'll try to be better from here on out. Life is good and Sam is giving it his all out there in Mesa! :)

The photo below was taken on October 13 by a friend of ours who used to live here, but now lives in Mesa. She saw Sam at a sandwich shop and texted this picture to her brother who then sent it to me. I forwarded it to Sam and he said that it was taken 1 1/2 hours earlier that day. Good news travels fast. :)

Displaying image.jpeg

Here's a great quote from Sam's mission president about obedience:

Elders and Sisters, obedience means obedience. The principle, the attribute, and the commitment is to be obedient in all things, not to pick and choose what we will obey and what we won't. There is no such thing as disobeying "small" or "little" things. It is all disobedience and it always leads to big things. If we obey some things but disobey or ignore others, we are not blessed for being obedient missionaries because in reality---we are not obedient. There is spiritual and physical safety in being completely obedient to every mission and missionary rule and guideline and to every one of the Lord's commandments. Having agency does not give a person the 'right' to disobey. It may grant one the privilege, but God has never given anyone the right to do wrong. It is not in His nature, for He cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. To intentionally disobey is to also intentionally agree to the full and complete consequences of the act of disobedience. It is impossible to choose one and not choose the other. We cannot pick up one end of the stick without also picking up the other. 

This is from Sam's letter on October 27 (with a new companion):

So this week was very different and busy. My new companion's name is Elder Osthed, and he's been out 16 months. He's from Meridian, Idaho. He was called to one of the Ukraine missions, but was evacuated as things got rough. He's been here for 6 months, and is exactly obedient to every jot and tittle. He's also a new Zone Leader in my zone. I'm glad that I get the opportunity to learn so much from him.

I've also been studying on pride. My Grandpa Elder Kirwan (that means his trainer's trainer) finished his mission and went home this past week, but I did get the opportunity to talk with him on any advice he had for me. He stressed the importance of stripping myself of pride. "Pride is the root of all sin." And it's so true. If we all humbled ourselves, so many problems of the world would not exist. So I have been working on stripping myself of pride, and I'm realizing how many different ways pride manifests itself.

Two weeks ago we did a musical number in sacrament meeting for Elder Moschetti's last Sunday in the area. He sang and I played violin with an accompanist, performing "I Stand All Amazed." It was beautiful, and due to time it ended up being the closing number.

I've been out 3 months! I'm so grateful to my Heavenly Father to be here, at this time, in this place, on a mission. It's such a growing experience and I'm learning so much. I want to keep improving and changing for the better.

How have you been? I'm so fat... :P Elder Osthed is super healthy. Protein shakes for breakfast and lunch, personal study on an exercise bike, get up at 5:50 to run then lift weights. I've been so tired. :P

Love you all! :)
Elder Stowell

From Sam's letter on November 10:
(In my letter to Sam, I asked him a bunch of questions (in italics below) which he asked me to continue as it helped him focus on what to write.)

How was your week? My week was full of exchanges. I didn't see Elder Osthed very much, but we still got a lot done. One day when I was on exchange and was in charge of our area, we didn't get a single lesson. The ones we had cancelled. But that's ok, because we went and found/contacted as many people as we could. Got anti-literature from one potential investigator. Then had an awesome ward party where we talked with pretty much everyone and met all the new people in our ward from the boundary change. Many people showed up late or didn't come because of the ASU game (we won :) ) It was a very busy week.

Are you teaching a lot? We usually have between 1-4 lessons a day. They're with all kinds of people - active members, less actives, recent converts, investigators, former investigators, etc. We usually have a member present for about half of the ones with LAs or Invs.

Do you do any tracting or is it all member contacts? We're not allowed to tract unless we have absolutely nothing else to do. Which hasn't ever happened. All those we teach are either from personal contacting on the streets or from referrals. Most if not all, though, are from personal contacting.

How is your companion? Elder Osthed is exactly obedient. He strives to do the best he can. He also knows what to do to fix a ward and implements those techniques from PMG to the best of his ability, which I didn't fully understand it needed fixing by us, but I guess that's because it's my first ward and I don't know anything else.

What was your best experience recently? This past week we had the opportunity to visit with A again several times. He is excited to meet with us and has told us to come back four times a week. He also said that he is almost ready to set a date for baptism after a few more visits and studies with us. :D

What was your worst? Being so darn depressed. I had let my weaknesses stop me, and let resentment build up between my companion and I. I felt like he was better than me, and therefore resented him. But we talked it out, how he felt, how I felt, and now we have an understanding of each other and are happier and more unified. :)

We got to go to the temple this past week. It's beautiful. We also had a ASL man in the session, so that was cool how things were adjusted for him.

The Visitor's Center does Christmas Lights every year. I'm excited to see them!!! Also, they have over 100 nativity sets from all over the world that they'll put out closer to Christmas. Sweet!

During one of my studies, I read through parts of the talks "The 4th Missionary" and "The Consecrated Missionary." I love how much the Lord has given me to encourage me and continue on in the work. I have many prayers behind me, and something I realized as I read these talks is that a large part of the reason I've been so depressed is because I'm focused on myself so much. I need to turn outward and serve those around me like it says in Elder Bednar's talk "Character of Christ." Just look for opportunities to serve, and then you find that you are not focused on yourself.

Love you all! :D Have a wonderful week!
Elder Stowell

From Sam's letter November 17 (yesterday):

The dedication (of the Phoenix Temple) was amazing!!!! :D It was broadcast to all the stake centers, so we went to ours which became an extension of the temple and required a special temple recommend. President Monson is very funny. He was at the cornerstone dedication and it was windy. His tie flew up by his face, and he looks down and says, "George! What are you doing? Get down there, George!" as he tucks his tie back into his suit coat. :) But the dedication was very, very cool and spiritual. I got to go to the first and second sessions of it.
Ok, in relation to cold, it was 50 DEGREES OUT THIS MORNING. IT WAS COLD. AND WE ALL FROZE AS WE HACKED EACH OTHER WITH FOAM SWORDS. We all went numb eventually it was just too cold.

*Is your baptism still on for the 22nd? How did you meet?
Our baptism is still on for this Saturday the 22nd. He came up to us at church one day with his girlfriend who's a member, and said he wants to take the lessons so he can be baptized. Well ok! :D He asked me to do the confirmation.

*What was your best/happiest experience this past week?
 Zone Conference. President Jenkins spoke for an hour and a half on his personal studies of the past 3 months on The Doctrine of Christ. That topic can go so in depth, and it was incredible to see his comprehensive notes on it all. I felt like I was in a giant library, surrounded by knowledge. Then I went up to him afterwards, and he pulled me into a giant hug and apologized for how I'd been treated the past transfer (?), and told me that I am a wonderful missionary and to keep pushing on. I love him so much.

*When are your next transfers?
Next transfers are next Wednesday. We find out Saturday what happens. I'm kinda hoping that we both stay, because I recognize that Elder Osthed is extremely good for this ward. So much has changed and is better. I also want to stay in this ward, it being my first ward and I know and love everyone. Also, I recognize that I can learn a ton from him if I just get over myself. I think that is my biggest struggle right now. 

*What are you allowed to do on Thanksgiving?
We can't go out on Thanksgiving unless it's to an appt. Apparently we usually have 2-3 dinners, and I don't know who all we'll eat with yet. One is the D. family.

Thanks for all your letters. I like them*. :) 
Love you all. 
Elder Stowell

*We bombarded Sam with snail mail after a rough week. If you want to write him, address your letters:

Elder Samuel J. Stowell
Arizona Mesa Mission
2525 N. 32nd St.
Mesa, AZ 85213